Pizza Neapolitan with GMI Verace ‘00’ Pizza Flour

Pizza Neapolitan with GMI Verace ‘00’ Pizza Flour


  • 1kg GMI ‘00’ Italian Pizza Verace Flour
  • 1-3g dry yeast
  • 620ml water
  • 30g salt
  • 30g extra virgin olive oil

Final temperature of the dough 23/25 °c


  1. Put the flour yeast and 500 ml of water (80% of the total) into the mixer and switch on at speed level 1
  2. After 1 minute, slowly add the remaining water
  3. After 4/5 minutes add the salt and mix for a further 5 minutes
  4. Add the oil and continue to mix for 10 minutes at speed level 1, and if available 5 minutes at 2nd speed level (otherwise mix for 16/18 minutes at speed level 1 until the dough is soft and homogeneous)
  5. Leave the dough to rest for 20 minutes
  6. Divide dough into pieces and make dough balls
  7. Set aside in covered boxes and allow to rise for 1-2 hours at room temperature
  8. Put boxes in the fridge at 4 °c for 2-3 hours before use (alternatively leave to rise for 10-16 hours in the boxes at room temperature)
  9. When ready to use roll out the pizza dough and add your sauce/toppings and bake at high temperature (approx. 320/350 °c) for 3 minutes