Invitation: Join Our Gluten Free Bake-Off!

Invitation: Join Our Gluten Free Bake-Off!

 Celebrate Gluten Free Awareness Week (9th – 15th May 2021)

To celebrate Gluten Free Awareness Week we are hosting a gluten free Bake Off on Instagram and Facebook

If you would like to take part in the #eurostarcommodities #glutenfreebakeoff simply request a gluten free baking pack (containing Gluten Free Medium Brown Chapati Flour, Gluten Free Della Terra Pizza Flour, and Gluten Free Self Raising Flour. Packs are free and we would like to see one thing that you have cooked, tagging us in during 9th – 15th May. You can make whatever you like – pizza, chapati, roti, pakoras, sauces, cakes, pancakes, bread, buns, rolls, Yorkshire puddings! Whatever you like!

  1. Request a free GF Baking pack from
  2. Bake something GF and delicious
  3. Tag us in on Instagram @eurostar_foods or FB @eurostarfoods during 9th to 15th May
  4. Thank you!